MD Choice Hospice Care is a highly regarded care facility for those suffering from incurable diseases. The hospice provides comprehensive and coordinated care as well as support to the patient’s family. Hospice cares for its patients by organizing various therapies and thematic clubs in addition to traditional treatment services. Hospice care is available both in the facility and at the patient’s home.

The Hospice’s mission is to make life more colorful and easier. Every patient receives individualized care. Families receive emotional and psychological support when they need to overcome the disease, as well as when their loved ones pass away.

The mental and physical well-being of our patients and their families is our top priority.

4 Level Of Care

Routine Home Care

This is our patients' most common level of care. Services are available both inside and outside of the facility. Our primary goal is to provide physical and psychological support to our patients and their families.

Continuous Home Care

Hospice services are available around the clock, seven days a week. Patients who require complete medical symptom management are typically the target group for the continuous care service.

Respite Care

Respite care is primarily intended for caregivers who require a break. The patient remains at the facility for a period of time to allow the caregiver to rest.

General Inpatient Care

Inpatient care is typically reserved for people who want to manage chronic pain and symptoms that do not actually need long-term treatment.

Please contact us if you require any additional information. MD Choice Hospice Care is always ready to help and support you.