Take your medicine, close the window, how to overcome the senile loss of memory?

Memory loss is a common symptom of aging. This is due to a general age-related decrease in brain activity, a decrease in nerve cell excitability, and disruption of neuronal connections. Unfortunately, aging is an irreversible process, but we can do a lot to keep our minds sharp until our golden years. Let us now discuss how to improve memory in old age.

slowness and forgetfulness are not the same things.

Let’s start with the good news: according to gerontologists, the memory of a relatively healthy elderly person is not inferior to the memory of younger people. 

An elderly person can successfully perceive, process, and reproduce information though thought processes may slow down.

It is well known that in electronic games, for example, older people are not inferior to younger people, but rather due to a more effective strategy. 

Experts explain that the speed of extracting information from the right “cell” of the brain is not a memory property, but rather the speed of reactions that objectively slow down with age. 

There is nothing terrible about this: elderly people have nowhere to hurry, and it is not critical whether a person remembers the name of their favorite singer now or in 3 minutes. Not a big problem, in fact. 

The term “benign senile forgetfulness” refers to normal age-related processes in which a person forgets something but it has no effect on his or her quality of life.

General memory-improvement rules

Surround yourself with good vibes. 

Creating conditions for normal brain functioning is the most effective way to improve memory. As a result, you must work and relax in an appropriate setting. 

Let’s go over the steps you’ll need to take to improve your memory:

Perform regular physical activities

Elderly people require regular physical activity to improve their memory. Running and strength training are two anaerobic exercises that can help older people improve their memory. Hiking is also very beneficial. Given that we’re talking about pensioners, a coach’s supervision is critical. Regular training improves the memory of the elderly when performed in accordance with the patient’s age, medical history, and current condition.

Remember: Nutrition is essential

How can I improve my memory at home? It’s very straightforward. It is critical for a pensioner, and not only, to follow a diet and eat only healthy foods. Try staying at a special camp or a facility where you can relax and get a proper diet. Later you’ll be able to make your meal planning on your own. 

By the way, drinking blueberry juice has been shown to improve brain activity. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, which help the elderly improve their memory and slow the aging process.

More activity equals more "fuel" for the brain.

A variety of emotional and psychosocial changes occur as part of normal aging. Changes in the environment, retirement, loneliness, loss of loved ones, depression, and the general mood of the individual are examples of these (despair, feeling of helplessness, underestimation of their capabilities). 

There are fewer rewards and incentives to maintain the same level of attention after retirement.

In addition, there is less communication, information, and activity. As a result, less and less “fuel” gets into the brain – new information and knowledge that would initiate – “ignite” – active thought processes and memory activation. 

As a result, elderly people with normal memory – that is, the memory that has not been altered by pathology – must work hard to maintain and train it. The aforementioned factors are related to the actions that the elderly and their relatives must take in order to improve memory capabilities during the aging process. Specifically, to train attention, reduce external interference, re-learn how to structure what you see, hear, and read for easier memorization, and so on.


First and foremost, you must adhere to a daily routine and consume proper nutrition. Pills for restoring and improving memory in old age will not be as effective as a calm environment, the right day-to-day action algorithm, and the right company. As a result, people frequently choose a boarding house for their loved ones. Because the pensioner will never be left alone in this facility; he will always be looked after by qualified personnel.


As a matter of fact, an elderly person is immersed in society, which has a significant impact on his personality and all aspects of his life – physical, psychological, spiritual, and social. And family relationships are especially important. As observations have shown, the position of relatives is extremely important for an elderly person’s self-confidence, activity, and memory.

Never leave your relatives and family members alone if you suspect their memory is failing or they are experiencing difficulties. They require your help and concern. There are numerous ways to assist you and them in overcoming senile memory loss. The only thing to remember is to never give up trying.